Year 2300: In the 47 years following the Great Calamity, humanity and Digimon have come to a delicate understanding of survival. America has fallen. While the Royal Knights have taken residence in Europe, relatively peaceful. So long as you keep your head down. The Olympus XII have chosen Asia as their home, living stoically by their own creed. No matter how ridiculous to some. Finally, the Demon Lords have taken Africa as their home. Plunging it into the organised chaos they have come to be known for. Twisted castle spires erupting from the otherwise perfectly normal landscape. A twisted joke. The location of L.apetus is unknown. Welcome to the new normal.
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Digimon Horizon was created by Yggdrasil/Driclone. Content is copyrighted to Digimon Horizon unless otherwise stated. The skin is created by Wolf of Gangnam Style. The board and thread remodel is by Kagney and has been heavily edited.
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